Upcoming works & restoration projects
The Royal Parks are continuing to invest in Richmond Park to further enhance the visitors' experience whilst protecting this National Nature Reserve.
Whilst we carry out work over winter 2023/24, there will be some disruption, which we will endeavour to keep to a minimum. We will be providing regular updates here and on our social media.
Kingston Gate and Dark Hill
Wetland and drainage enhancement project
We are undertaking works to slow the flow of water through the ditch network, whilst improving drainage of water off the path network. This will help retain water in the park, both reducing flooding during times of high flow and also retaining water for times of drought, whilst also providing enhanced wildlife habitats.
Temporary path closures or restrictions may be necessary although we will work hard to minimise these.
Conduit Wood
Wetland enhancement project
We are undertaking works to enhance ponds and streams in Conduit Wood to improve habitats for wildlife. This will include repairing pond outflow structures and installing leaky dams in the stream. These works will also slow the flow during times of high flow, helping to retain water in the park, reducing flooding and retaining water for times of drought.
This will involve machine use in the woodland and will result in some disturbance.
Woodland Enhancement Project
We are creating and planting scrub enclosures in certain woodlands through the park, with native scrub and tree species planted to improve wildlife habitats including for birds and pollinators.
Pembroke Lodge Garden
Bamboo removal
We are removing a large stand of bamboo and non-native scrub in ‘The Dell’. This vegetation is of relatively low horticultural and biodiversity value. The intention is that in the next phase of works we will create a new pond here and restore an adjacent existing pond. This will provide enhanced habitat for wildlife, including amphibians and invertebrates.
This will require temporary path closures and will result in some disturbance.
Horse Ride Restoration
A horse ride restoration project will be taking place between January 2024 and March 2024 to reduce erosion and repair the surfaces. Drainage features will be installed to help slow the flow of water and reduce damage to acid grassland habitats, whilst retaining water in the park to improve resilience during times of drought. There will be diversions in place. Please check the website regularly for more detailed information about how your route may be affected.
We thank you for your cooperation while we undertake these works and apologise for any inconvenience caused.