A side view of a green minibus going through Richmond Park

Free minibus service in Richmond Park

A free, volunteer-run, transport service will operate every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from March to November 2025 to help visitors get better access to Richmond Park.

The minibus has disabled access, and runs between all the Richmond Park car parks, Ladderstile Gate, Richmond Gate, Pembroke Lodge and Isabella Plantation.

A green minibus on a dirt road in Richmond Park with a blue sky behind and white fluffy clouds

The minibus is free and fully accessible with a ramp and steps to aid access. Wheelchair users wishing to use the service should contact jmeays@royalparks.org.uk.

We are delighted to support this service, which is funded by private donations to the Royal Parks, as it allows those without access to the park the ability to enjoy the wonders of London’s largest royal park.

An image of a bus stop sign with an out of focus green minibus in the background