Cricket booking terms and conditions
Every booking is subject to these booking conditions. Failure to comply with these booking conditions may result in having your booking removed or a requirement to leave Greenwich cricket ground and cricket Pavilion premises.
Please ensure that you and any of your guests have read and understand these booking conditions.
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Conditions of use
1.1. If these conditions of use are not adhered to, we reserve the right to cancel your cricket booking.
1.2 No Barbecues, or any form of cooking in the parks – As well as being a fire hazard, abandoned barbecues can be a hazard to other visitors and to wildlife. There are catering outlets in each park selling a selection of hot and cold food.
1.3 Customers should keep all valuables secure. Greenwich Park, cricket ground or cricket Pavilion cannot be held liable for loss of any valuables or other personal property left on the premises.
1.4 You may use the cricket Pavilion to lock your belongings. Any items stored left in the cricket Pavilion in at the owner’s risk. Any items left behind in the cricket Pavilion at the end of each match will be removed and stored in our park office for 30days, after that it may be disposed of by staff.
1.5 Do not apply any drying agents, such as sawdust, on the wicket.
1.6 Tents, marquees, or other structures, or any equipment that is likely to obstruct other park users are not permitted.
1.7 Toilet, changing area and shower facilities are available inside the cricket Pavilion.
1.8 No soap, no shower gel, no shampoo, no conditioner, or cleaning products of any provided.
1.9 Dropping litter is not permitted.
1.10 Disturbing wildlife or feeding wildlife is not permitted.
1.11 Corporate advertising and distribution of leaflets – you are not permitted to display any corporate banners or distribute promotional material.
1.12 Collecting or soliciting money – If yours is a charity match, any collections must take place outside of the park boundary.
1.13 We have no objection to alcoholic drinks, but they must be available free of charge (i.e., not for sale), and for consumption by your guests only. And of course, alcohol must only be made available to persons over the age of 18.
1.14 Do not allow the bin in the pavilion to overflow. If it is getting full, please take your rubbish with you and dispose of it in the large bin located next to the toilets near the car park.
Booking and payment
2.1 An advanced booking requires full payment at the time of booking. Payment can only be made by debit card or credit card. We accept Visa, Mastercard, JCB, Maestro for online payments.
2.2 Once an advanced booking is complete a confirmation email followed by the cricket Pavilion code and booking guidelines.
2.3 Match bookings are only valid for the day, time and location specified when booking. It is the responsibility of the booker to ensure they have selected the appropriate options.
2.4 Bookings are only available online and cannot be made in person or via phone.
2.5 Book no more than 6 per month (two Saturdays and two Sundays per month). Failure to comply will result in the cancellation of current and/or future bookings.
2.6 Bookings are responsible for all 1st aid provision throughout the entirety of your stay within The Royal Parks.
Cancellation and Refunds
3.1 The Royal Parks reserve the right to cancel advanced bookings due to adverse weather conditions, closure of Greenwich Park, any other closure or emergency. In circumstances where The Royal Parks cancel the booking, an alternative date or a full refund will be offered to the customer.
3.2 Refunds will only be made to the card used to pay for the booking.
3.3 Bookings wishing to cancel or reschedule are required to give at least 14 days’ written notice prior to the booking date to be eligible for a refund or reschedule otherwise all charges will be retained by us.
3.4 Refunds will only be made to the card used to pay for the booking.
4.1 From time to time, The Royal Park may have photographers present for marketing purposes. Customers will be made aware of this on the appropriate day. This is not compulsory.
4.2 No tournaments or events are permitted without prior approval from TRP
4.3 You will indemnify The Royal Parks against all claims, proceedings, damages, costs, expenses and loss in respect of personal injury (including death) or loss of or damage to property arising from your use of the Park save insofar as such injury, loss or damage is reasonably attributable to The Royal Parks, its servants, agents or licensees;
4.4 It is your responsibility to ensure the pitch surface is of sufficient standard to be of no danger to any player and that any defects are reported to a member of The Royal Parks staff immediately. Although the pitches are checked at regular intervals damage may be caused minutes prior to your arrival;
4.5 Any damage to The Royal Parks’ property is made good to The Royal Parks’ satisfaction;
4.6 Players must conform with Park Regulations. Attention is drawn to the regulation under which any person leaving paper or dropping of litter of any kind in the Park is liable to prosecution;
4.7 Failure to observe and comply with any or all these Terms may result in the cancellation of current and/or future bookings.