Hori the Husband
Hori’s letters reveal a warm and loving family man. When he was called up in late 1916, he left his beloved wife Bessie behind with six young children: Sonny (Hori) aged 14 and already working, Arthur (12 years old), Muriel (9 years old), Cyril (7 years old), Jack (5 years old) and Ruby (3 years old).
Hori didn’t know it at the time, but he would never see his family again. Being sent to the Middle East meant that he never got to go home on leave.
Waiting to depart
In 1917, as Hori waited to find out the date on which he would depart for Salonika, he wrote to Bessie from his base:
'I have been worrying about you all day. Do let me know as often as you can how things are going on. Poor old girl up there all alone with no one to cuddle you and keep you warm. It is really worse for you than it is for me, as you don’t know what is happening and are worrying about it all the time, but don’t worry about me dear. I shall be alright and will soon be back with you and I shall think more of home than I did before and so will many others.'
Just before he left for Salonika, Hori asked Bessie to:
'Kiss all the kiddies goodbye from me... Tell them I will soon be home with them.'

A Christmas card sent to Hori by Bessie

Caring husband
Hori worried that Bessie wouldn’t look after herself with six children to care for. In April 1917, he cautioned her:
'Don’t get run down yourself by stinting yourself of proper nourishment, for the best way to look after youngsters is to look after yourself.'
From May 1917, there were food shortages in Britain and potatoes were particularly difficult to come by. Hori wrote:
'What a terrible job you seem to have to get potatoes at home… When I get back I will grow my own. We won’t be out of taters, not likely.'
Nearly all the letters begin with ‘My Darling Bess’ and end with ‘Your loving hubby’.

'So goodbye, love to you all & God bless you from your loving Hubby xxxxxxxxxxxx'
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