An artist impression of an aerial view of the new Vanbrugh Yard area

The Royal Parks shares revised plans for new learning centre and community facilities in Greenwich Park

The Royal Parks charity has unveiled revised plans for a learning centre and improved visitor facilities which will increase public access and inspire local people to discover Greenwich Park’s fascinating heritage and wildlife.

The plans are part of Greenwich Park Revealed – an exciting 4-year, £8 million project. The project, led by The Royal Parks will reveal, restore, protect and share the park’s natural and built heritage and provide learning and volunteering opportunities, thanks to a transformational grant of £4,517,300 from The National Lottery Heritage Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund.

Greenwich Park Revealed will open a whole new area of the park to the public.  An underused contractor’s yard will be transformed into the new “Vanbrugh Yard” featuring a café, community kitchen garden, wildlife orchard, volunteer mess room and public toilets with a Changing Places facility for disabled visitors.

Nearby, the old Wildlife Centre will be renovated to provide a welcoming entrance to “The Wilderness” - a natural discovery space for schools and community groups. The Wilderness will comprise a learning centre designed by sustainable architects, Architype, a sheltered outdoor learning space, natural play facilities, a wildlife pond and an extensive wildlife meadow.

Graham Dear, Manager, Greenwich Park Revealed, said:

“The community is right at the heart of this project, so we’re delighted to reveal these exciting new plans for schools and local groups. We would love to hear people’s views on what we are proposing and would encourage people to get in touch.

“Unfortunately, the pandemic has meant that we have had to revise our original designs, for learning and volunteering. By repurposing existing buildings and constructing a smaller, new classroom from sustainable materials, we aim to create better facilities for volunteers and learners with an emphasis on discovering the outdoors.

“These new facilities will reveal the wonder of the nature on our doorsteps, inspiring local people to cherish and protect Greenwich Park for future generations.”

Please email with your views and feedback before March 14th 2021. Comments will be collated and included in the planning application to the Royal Borough of Greenwich Council to be submitted at the end of March 2021, with work expected to begin later this year.

Notes to Editors:

For further information, please contact the media team on 0300 061 2128 or email

Further reading

  • Greenwich spring hero

    Greenwich Park

    Welcome to Greenwich Park, one of London’s eight Royal Parks; a mix of 17th-century landscape, stunning gardens and a history dating back to Roman times.

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