'420 Day' rally in Hyde Park on Saturday 20 April
Please be aware that a ‘420 Day’ rally, which is part of an international movement to protest against the illegality of cannabis, is expected to take place in Hyde Park on Saturday 20 April. We anticipate that thousands of people will turn up to take part.
The Royal Parks has not given permission for this unauthorised assembly in Hyde Park, and it is in breach of The Royal Parks’ regulations. The Metropolitan Police are aware that this unauthorised assembly is due to take place and have advised that people may be liable for prosecution or arrest. Enforcement of the law and of park regulations is a matter for the Metropolitan Police.
While the park will remain open, we advise visitors to be aware that this event is taking place and to note that both The Royal Parks Shop and boating on the Serpentine Lake will be closed that day.
We will continue to work closely with the Police to make sure the Royal Parks remain safe and enjoyable for everyone.
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