Commercial filming & photography
All commercial filming and photography requests at The Royal Parks are dealt with by our dedicated filming team. We’re responsible for establishing every aspect of filming being proposed, dealing with contracts and setting location fees.
What you need to do
Please submit your online application to us via the application link below. This means we can review and process your request as efficiently as possible. We will acknowledge receipt of your application in 1 to 2 working days. Please allow enough time for us to process your application and the necessary documentation below.
- For crew and cast of 10 people or less – allow at least 5 working days from the moment all the necessary documentation is submitted.
- For crew and cast of 11 people or more – allow at least 10 working days from the moment all the necessary documentation is submitted.
Necessary documentation and information
- A detailed description of the content of your proposed filming, including synopsis and script pages.
- A detailed description of the intended filming or shoot and how you intend to achieve it.
- A site plan of your desired location - please use the appropriate park map(s) from the list below:
- If you wish to shoot in several locations, please indicate this on the application form or include them on your site plan.
- A site-specific risk assessment.
- Public Liability Insurance for a minimum of £5Million
How much does it cost to film in a Royal Park?
Fees are determined depending on the nature and purpose of your proposed shoot, the cast and crew size and the length of time you will be on site. For more information, download and view our rate card* and check our guidelines.
*Rate card updated January 2024
We do require payment in full 24 hours prior to the shoot date.
Once the detail of your shoot is agreed, a formal Location Filming Agreement containing all the details of your shoot will be sent to you for signature.
At the moment there are no legal restrictions for filming regarding Covid-19, please follow the link here or download the form below for Covid-19 Guidance for Location Filming.
Apply below using the Filming & photography application form
If you need to get in touch directly for any questions please email film@royalparks.org.uk or call us on 0300 061 2111 or 0300 061 2110.
Pre-production checklist – what you need to download
Please make sure you and your production team have downloaded and read all these documents ahead of shoot days.
Filming & Photography Rate Card
The Royal Parks Policy on Filming and Photography
If you need to get in touch directly for any questions, please email film@royalparks.org.uk or call us on 0300 061 2111 / 0300 061 2110 / 0300 304 9895.